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to Reality
Welcome to our complimentary Online Comic Series.
Man Power is a four issue comic series. The story overlaps with Birth of the Supermen Volume Two.
In the World of Man Power the story takes place between 2020 and 2022.
The material was collected from existing art from my earliest attempts at a comic book. This comic was drawn between 1998 and 2000. Some panels have new art, created to fill in holes in the story line.
Man Power Issue One.
The world has changed.
A growing number of American's have started to develop super human powers. Civil unrest and panic have gripped the country. Where did these people come from? How did they get their powers? Most importantly are we safe?
The President has called for a solution to the growing problem. Enter Doctor Ryhne, a mid-level bureaucrat
with a plan. His solution is to create a Superhuman Task Force. America's Super Team (complete with their own costumes) are released on the streets of New York City.
Using the project to further his own goals Ryhne has gathered together a team of Cyborg's with enhanced strength and reflexes. Led by Power Play the team goes into action right away against a vicious New York Street Gang.
The material was collected from existing art from my earlier attempts at a comic book. This comic was drawn between 2006 and 2012. Some panels have new art, created to fill in holes in the story line.
The comic was released
in 2014 on one of our earlier websites.
The material was collected from existing art from my earlier attempts at a comic book. This comic was drawn between 2006 and 2015. Some panels have new art, created to fill in holes in the story line.
The comic was released
in 2015 on one of our earlier websites.
This comic was drawn between 2015 and 2020. It was created to complete the free online comic series for our readers.
Man Power Issue Two.
The world has changed.
A growing number of American's have started to develop super human powers.
Doctor Ryhne, now Director Ryhne, a mid-level bureaucrat has proven his Super Team capable of handling the new Superhuman Threat to the Country. These individuals with powers are termed Eugenic Positive. Each time Power Play and his team have caught a person with powers. They have been secretly whisked
away for study and imprisonment.
Working under the Department of Defense
and Homeland Security, Director Ryhne has been lobbying to expand his budget and his power. All his professional career Ryhne, has been working on Cloning. He believes cloning the best soldiers into an entire army is the only way to keep the country safe.
Man Power Issue Three.
The world has changed.
A growing number of American's have started to develop super human powers.
Not trusting Director Ryhne fully, the powers that be have started to develop alternate projects to that of the Director.
With the success of his first team Director Ryhne, has procured funding to expand his project.
Team Two is more heavily armed to deal with greater threats. Dispatched to the west coast, their first mission ends with several fatalities. This drawing into question the ethics of armed Superheroes.
Something Ryhne, had failed to disclose, was that several members of Team One were little more than automatons.
Man Power Issue Four.
*Attention! Please read Man Power: Birth of the Supermen Volume #2 Issue Four prior to continuing this issue.
During routine diagnostics between missions, something happens to the leader of Team Two.
Trying to escape the facility he attacks both technicians and his own team member.
Team One is forced to fight Team Two. Man Power had hoped to use the confusion, to escape with his own team.
With the fight out in the open, for all of Washington D.C. to see.
Director Ryhne's hopes of a larger project budget look to be dashed.
Look for the next story Man Power: Retaliates.