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Birth of the Supermen Volume One: What if WWII never really ended? A secret army unknown even to Hitler went into hiding after WWII. Hidden at the heart of the Bermuda Triangle, they created an army of cloned Super Soldiers. Attacking the Worlds economy for over eighty years. They are finally ready to strike. Only a handful of heroes stand in their way.
Birth of the Supermen Volume Two: During the rise of Communism, a being with Superhuman powers started collecting people with Extra-ordinary powers. Through WWII and the Cold War, this group called the Protectorate protected the Soviet Union in secret. Only a handful of secret documents were every smuggled out. These Top Secret Files make up Birth of the Supermen Volume #2.

Origins: The World has heard of the Navy SEAL's. When the USA can not send in the SEAL's for any reason, Manfred Powers III is called. He led his troops on impossible missions. Misdirected by a government agent (Dr. Ryhne). He was collecting prime candidates for his own superhuman team. Ryhne performed tests on these troop. He created Cyber-enhanced soldiers, to take on the Superhuman Threat facing the USA.

Retaliates: Director Ryhne is in despair, his Team Two was lost. Just hours away from dispensary actions, his project is saved by a Terrorist Attack on New York City. Power Play, AKA Man Power is in constant combat. He is looking for an opportunity to escape and free his team from Director Ryhnes control.

Strikes Back: Now officially America's Super Team Man Power is facing new challenges. Ryhne's son has created his own Super Team to take on Man Power. The finally show down is interrupted by a much larger threat. A secret enemy has been waiting for this moment to attack.

Man Power: Is Out of Time. Displaced in time, Man Power has the opportunity to rewrite past events and change history.
His goal is to make a better world.​ There is a vicious enemy that had been attacking the World in Man Powers time period. Now he has a chance to stop the untold disasters they have planned.

Fights the War: Not wanting the same outcome from his time period. Man Power, sets all his resources on preventing the Vietnam War. Perhaps Man Power has finally found a foe to powerful for him, time itself. History seems to have a way of repeating itself.
R.A.V.E.N. Man Power has overcome the enemy threat. Finding a well stocked base and willing army, he takes control as their new leader. Proving he is the Superman the clones follow Man Power into a new
mission. They work to stop the Vietnam War from happening.